Last month the 4th graders of Waverly Yowell Elementary not only learned about the weather and meteorology, they "became" meteorologists! Thanks to educators Abbey Rivera, Lauren Gerhart, Kristen Woodward, and Jes Henshaw these students engaged in the content of this unit by collaborating with fellow classmates and eventually delivering their own weather report.

According to 4th grade teacher, Abbey Rivera, "We used this project as a way for the students to engage in their learning in a real world sense. We wanted the information on weather systems and tools to be more than just facts to memorize. We wanted them to see how it all tied together and how it impacts their lives. We included weather tools, weather conditions, and even connected with our next unit (Ecosystems) by exploring effects on the environment. The kids were excited to do the research on their chosen severe storm, record their FlipGrid presentations (with "breaking news" frames and tornadoes in the background) and then share with their classmates. It allowed us to assess their learning in a much more fun and authentic way."
A big "thank you" to these educators for this engaging, real-world, and relevant unit. We are happy to spotlight you all as MadConnects' October "Highlight of the Month!"